How I want to live my life:

by Myk Pono

UPDATED: 7/11/2024

<aside> 💡 I aspire to follow consciously the principles/rules described below. I have noted and collected these principles over the years from books, videos, seminars, and other resources. Most of the notes need references; therefore, as I contribute to this list, I will rebuild the sources or inspirations for each principle. I will review, edit, and add to it when a new realization arises.


  1. I'm optimistic and enthusiastic about life. I love virtually everything about life. I'm comfortable doing just about anything. I'm enthusiastic about life, and I want to get the most out of my time. I find the positive and silver lining in everything. What appears now as good or bad fortune could change. When unfortunate things happen, I remember – "this, too, shall pass." Optimism is more effective than pessimism, and optimism can be learned.
  2. I stay in the present moment. I focus on here and now. No amount of thinking about the past will change anything. Learn the lesson, write it down, take a deep breath, and focus on here and now. The past is not equal to the future. Paint your masterpiece today. Bad luck, good luck, who knows?! Many moments you will experience will be the last moments. Make the most of them.
  3. I live with purpose. I understand my life purpose, and I'm disciplined when taking action. I know what makes me happy and excited. You can only live your authentic life if you're serving people, and you can serve people well if you are excited about what you're doing.
  4. I accept and love myself. I accept my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. I accept reality. I don't view myself as righteous, nor do I blame myself for everything, nor do I view myself negatively. It's impossible to offend me. Learn to love yourself with all your faults, and then you will love others.
  5. I'm honest and authentic. I mean what I say, and I say what I mean. It doesn’t mean I share everything on my mind without consent, but I’m always truthful. Honesty builds trust. Authenticity fosters deep interpersonal connections. Honesty implies being sincere with yourself. If you can't be honest with yourself, you can't be honest with others.
  6. I live consciously, and I'm aware of myself, my thoughts, and my actions. I'm better served by holding my values consciously rather than unconsciously – and examining them rather than uncritically as not-to-be-questioned "axioms." Self-examination leads to a better life and a more fulfilling existence.
  7. I maintain a high level of personal integrity. I practice what I preach, keep my promises, honor my commitments, deal with others fairly, justly, and compassionately, and strive for moral consistency.
  8. I focus all my energy on things in my control. I don't worry about things that I can't control or influence. There is no point in stressing about things not in your control circle.
  9. I dream big and set powerful goals. I'm not afraid to dream big. I have a mindset of plenty and abundance. Significant, challenging dreams and goals excite your imagination, motivate you to act, and increase your energy. Write down your goal and imagine how it tastes, feels, and smells. Expand your goals and get some additional ideas and motivation to achieve them.
  10. I choose enjoyment over pleasure. I create more enjoyment in my life. ****I understand the difference between enjoyment and pleasure. Pleasure happens to you (eating, drinking); enjoyment is something you create through your own effort (cooking, dancing, reading, writing, playing). Enjoyment is deeper and always involves some skills. The challenge constitutes enjoyment. The state of flow is the state of enjoyment.
  11. I stay active and care for my body, mind, and spirit. I invest in all aspects of my well-being. I exercise, hike, eat healthy, watch my sleep patterns, take cold showers/baths, meditate, engage in breath work, and follow practices to keep my mind healthy. You will only have one body and mind—take care of them. An active/healthy body leads to an active/healthy mind, which results in a happier and more productive life.
  12. I'm free from guilt and shame. I admit and learn from mistakes, but I don't lament what could have been. No amount of feeling bad will alter past events and only reinforce a poor self-image. No amount of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future. And I make no effort to evoke guilt, shame, or condemnation in others. I don't manipulate others by telling them how bad they've been.
  13. I build effective habits and reinforce them daily. Achieving any worthwhile goal requires a set of effective habits reinforced through daily commitment.
  14. I'm curious about the world, ideas, people, events, and concepts. I'm a learner, reader, and writer. Knowledge is power, and you can learn from anyone. Almost everyone you meet has unique experiences and knows something you don't. Be curious about others and always be ready for a learning opportunity. I never know enough. I'm a truth seeker. Learning is for life — always be learning.
  15. I don't complain, whine, moan, grumble, resent, ridicule, blame, or criticize. I accept things and people as they are and deal with what is there. I don't blow off steam by talking about problems; I do it by executing and being proud of my work. I don't criticize myself or others.
  16. I rarely feel anger, irritation, or fury. In rare circumstances, when I'm angry, I acknowledge but never act on it. If situations, people, or environments evoke negative feelings, I ignore them. I don't let anything that drains my energy take over.